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Credit Card Alerts

Keeping You Safer with VISA Purchase Alerts

No need to worry about fraudulent use of your Visa® card going undiscovered. When you activate Alerts from Alcoa Tenn powered by Visa, you can rest easy knowing that your account is being monitored. This protective service is FREE for Alcoa Tenn Visa cardholders.

You can customize the near real-time1 alerts to best meet your needs – you can choose a variety of alert options, such as being alerted to purchases over a specific dollar amount, purchases made outside of the United States, and more! You can set your alert to arrive via text message2, email message, or both – so if your card has been used fraudulently, you’ll know within minutes. 

Sign on to Online Access and navigate to the Visa Credit Card System, "Online Services" section to sign up today!

1. Actual time to receive Alerts powered by Visa dependent on wireless service and coverage within area. Alerts service may not be available in all areas. Gasoline alerts may not include purchase amount. Account activity qualifying for Alert service may vary by issuer. Additional restrictions apply.
2. Standard text messaging and data plan rates may apply.